author : Herbert Schildt
description :
In an age in which “the network is the computer,” the .NET Framework has become a leading
environment for which code is created. The premier language for .NET development is C#.
Therefore, if .NET programming is in your future, you have chosen the right language to learn.
Beyond its use for .NET programming, C# is important for another reason. Its innovative
features are reshaping the programming world, changing the way code is written, and enabling
solutions to be framed in new ways. Thus, C# is helping to define the future direction
of programming. As a result, fluency in C# is no longer an option for the professional
programmer. It has become a necessity.
The purpose of this book is to teach you the fundamentals of C# programming. It uses
a step-by-step approach complete with numerous examples and self tests. It assumes no
previous programming experience. The book starts with the basics, such as how to compile
and run a C# program. It then discusses the keywords, features, and constructs that comprise
the C# language. By the time you finish, you will have a firm grasp of the essentials of C#
As all programmers know, nothing stands still very long in the world of programming. C#
is no exception. Since its creation in 2000, C# has undergone two major revisions, with each
revision adding significant new features. At the time of this writing, the current version of C# is
3.0, and this is the version of C# described by this book. Therefore, this book includes coverage
of C#’s newest features, including Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and lambda expressions.
Of course, this beginner’s guide is just a starting point. C# is a very large language and
involves more than just the keywords and syntax that define it. It also involves the use of a
sophisticated set of libraries called the .NET Framework Class Library. This library is very
large, and a complete discussion would require a book of its own. Although several of the
classes defined by this library are discussed in this book, because of space limitations, most are
not. To be a top-notch C# programmer implies mastery of this library, too. After completing
this book, you will have the knowledge to explore this library and all other aspects of C#.
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